Dear customers, we inform you that a new branch will soon open its doors in Châteauguay. Stay tuned!

Top questions to ask when you buy shipping containers

Top questions to ask when you buy shipping containers

There are some questions to ask when you buy shipping containers.

  1. What are the terms & conditions involved in the purchase of a container?
  2. Is the shipping container you have in mind good enough?
  3. What types of modifications can we do for new or used shipping containers for sale?
  4. How is the container delivered?
  5. How are the contents of my storage container protected?

Download the infographic below to get more info.


Do you want a quote for the purchase or rental of containers?

Our online quote request service is now available. We invite you to fill out a request, and a representative will contact you shortly. You can also reach us by phone at any time.

Avoid fraudulent posts!

Many individuals are pretending to be a company that sells shipping container. At Conteneurs SEA all our containers are available for payment on our site through a bank draft.

If you want to be sure to purchase a shipping container, contact S.E.A Containers team at 514-789-9111 now, or visit us on site.